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Native - Large - Set C

Native - Large - Set C

Regular price £120.00
Regular price Sale price £120.00
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Dive into our specially selected Native Pond Plant Sets, curated by our expert Head Horticulturist for a vibrant water garden. Inspired by our teams combined 100 year experience in all things Aquatic plants.

 Each plant is chosen for its diversity and ecosystem benefits.

These sets are created to improve Bee/Butterfly/Dragonfly and bird activity around your pond

Elevate your pond with resilient, visually stunning aquatic wonders.

Perfect for beginners and enthusiasts alike, our collection transforms your space into a thriving oasis. This set contains the following Species:


Alisma Plantago Water Plantain
Apium Nodiflorum Fool's Watercress 
Eupatorium Cannabinium
Filipendula ulmaria Meadowsweet
Hottonia Palustris Water Violet
Iris Pseudacorus Yellow Flag Iris
Lychnis Flos Cuculi Ragged Robin
Lythrum Salicaria Purple Loosestrife
Mentha Aquatica Water Mint
Ranunculus Aquatilis Ivy-Leafed Crowfoot
Scirpus Lacustris Bullrush
Stachys palustris Marsh Woundwort
Typha Angustifolia Lesser Reed Mace


12x Marginal Species
3 Oxygenating Species

Please note, if a species is unavailable at time of order, a suitable replacement will be sent.

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